Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

momma's boy

non-stop listening, almost.. 3 days. enjoy it!


like her voice and the beat :)
*go find another. go find another one

hey you weirdo

by : me

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

all time favourite.

sandwich, juice and milk for breakfast.

*put breakfast into your belly then get your full concentrate doing your daily works. cheers :)

love in heels.

i still can't found the exact shoes like this in jakarta. grrr..
i want this so bad!

tenun's project.

i was helping my good friend, Tata.
thanks to tya for putting a great make-up on me.
and to Hanjaya, i feel comfortable to take the shoot as a partner with him. *toss

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

je t'aime

i adore paris since i was like 8 years old

and i'll go there, for sure

got breakfast with my beloved one


Paris. je t'aime

picture by : me

new year for new journey

i made this for my self.
but, you can enjoy it tho.
grab your new journey friends :)

current playlist.

some of my favorite bands. they're trully boost my mood. you should have ur favourite band my friends, they'll rock your life.

*the strokes - wolfmother - muse

Fanny's wed. one of my stubborn bestfriend.

i made this for her invitation in facebook. i hope she'll like it cause im not in a romantic mood when i made this :p

happy wedding gorgeous.

backless and headless.

my period really helps this photo session. i was mad that day and turns out that makes my expressions look quite good in here. ;)

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

psapp - tiger, my friend

band ini lucu. memberikan atmosfer tersendiri buat saya.

musiknya eksperimental dari beberapa instrumen bahkan banyak mengambil suara-suara dari benda-benda sekitar seperti bunyi knob pintu yang dibuka, jendela tua yang sudah reot, suara kucing, kunci bergemericik, ticking clock dan lainnya. menyenangkan untuk kuping saya :)

tracks that im listening to :

# tiger, my friend
# about fun
# calm down
# curuncula
# chapter

enjoy, yea yeah! :D

Senin, 04 Januari 2010

being an intern.

iCreate magazine.
Life style magazine for Mac user.

i had good times there. people there was so kind, humble and friendly.
no intimidating, no burden.

thanks guys for the shared experiences! :)